Welcome to the homepage of the research group ofProf. Dr. Nils Helge Schebb.
Our research aims to contribute to answering the questions: “How does food affect our health?” or more precisely “What is the healthiest diet for me (in the context of inflammatory diseases)?”
We apply instrumental analytical methods to provide quantitative data about the activity of compounds on the molecular stage. Based on this data we gain unrivaled mechanistical information on the effect of diet on physiology in health and disease.

New Chemistry Buildung of the University of Wuppertal
The group works at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Wuppertal.
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Job postings
We have several open positions for master/diploma students. If you are studying food-chemistry, biochemistry or related fields of modern life sciences and are interested please contact Dr. Schebb.
PhD Thesis
We encourage highly motivated candidates to apply as PhD students in the field of life sciences. For an overview about ongoing research projects refer to the recent publications.