Publications in peer reviewed journals:
70. A. I. Ostermann T. Greupner, L. Kutzner, N. M. Hartung, A. Hahn, J. P. Schuchardt, N.H. Schebb (2018)Intra-individual variance of human plasma oxylipin pattern: Low inter-day variability in fastened blood samples versus high variability during the day. Anal Methods, doi: 10.1039/C8AY01753K
69. C. Dalle, A. I. Ostermann, T. Konrad, C. Coudy-Gandilhon, A. Decourt, J.C. Barthélémy , F. Roche, L. Féasson, A. Mazur, D. Béchet, N.H. Schebb, C. Gladine (2018)Muscle loss associated changes of oxylipin signatures during biological aging: an exploratory study from the PROOF cohort. The Journal of Gerontology, doi: 10.1093/gerona/gly187
68. T. Greupner, L. Kutzner, S. Pagenkopf, H. Kohrs, A. Hahn, N. H. Schebb, J. P. Schuchardt (2018)Effects of a low and a high dietary LA/ALA ratio on long-chain PUFA concentrations in red blood cells. Food & Function, doi: 10.1039/c8fo00735g.
67. H. Gottschall, C. Schmöcker, D. Hartmann, N. Rohwer, K. Rund, L. Kutzner, F. Nolte, A.I. Ostermann, N.H. Schebb, K.H. Weylandt (2018)Aspirin alone and combined with a statin suppresses eicosanoid formation in human colon tissue. J Lipid Res, doi: 10.1194/jlr.M078725.
66. Greupner, L. Kutzner, F. Nolte, A. Strangmann, H. Kohrs, A. Hahn; N.H. Schebb, J.P. Schuchardt (2018)Effects of a 12-week high-α-linolenic acid intervention on EPA and DHA concentrations in red blood cells and plasma oxylipin pattern in subjects with a low EPA and DHA status. Food and Function 9, 1587-160.
65. C. Schmöcker, I..W. Zhang, S. Kiesler , U. Kassner, A.I. Ostermann, E. Steinhagen-Thiessen, N. H. Schebb, K.H. Weylandt (2018)Effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on oxylipins in a routine clinical setting. Int Mol Sci 19(1) 180-185
64. K.M. Rund, A.I. Ostermann, L. Kutzner, J.M. Galano, C. Oger, C. Vigor; S. Wecklein, N. Seiwert, T. Durand, N.H. Schebb (2018)Development of an LC-(ESI-)-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 35 isoprostanes and isofurans derived from the major n3- and n6-PUFAs. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1037, 63-67
63. A. I. Ostermann, P. Waindok, M. J. Schmidt, C. Y. Chiu, C. Smyl, N. Rohwer, K. H. Weylandt, N. H. Schebb (2017)Modulation of the Endogenous Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Oxylipin Profile in vivo – A Comparison of the fat-1 Transgenic Mouse with C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice on an Omega-3 Fatty Acid Enriched Diet. PLOS-1
62. C. Schmöcker, U. Kassner, A. I. Ostermann, S. Kiesler, E. Steinhagen-Thiessen, N.H. Schebb, K. H. Weylandt (2017)Effect of different lipid apheresis methods on plasma polyunsaturated fatty acids. Atherosclerosis-supplements Atherosclerosis-supplements
61. J. P. Schuchardt, A. I. Ostermann, L. Stork, S. Fritsch, H. Kohrs, T. Greupner, A. Hahn, N. H. Schebb (2017)Effect of DHA supplementation on oxylipin levels in plasma and immune cell stimulated blood. Prostag Leukotr Ess, 121, 76-81
60. A.-C. Becker, I. Willenberg, A. Springer, N. H. Schebb, P. Steinberg, C. Strube (2017)Fatty acid composition of free-living and parasitic stages of the bovine lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, 216, 39-44
59. A. I. Ostermann, N.H. Schebb (2017)Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on the Pattern of Oxylipins - A short review about the modulation of hydroxy-, dihydroxy-, and epoxy-fatty acids. Food & Function, 8, 2355-2367
58. A. I. Ostermann, M. Reutzel, N. Hartung, N. Franke, L. Kutzner, K. Schoenfeld, K. H. Weylandt, G. P. Eckert , N. H. Schebb (2017)A Diet Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids Enhances Expression of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Murine Brain. Prostag Oth Lipid M.
57. L. Kutzner, K. Goloshchapova, S. Stehling, Dagmar Heydeck, H. Kuhn, N. H. Schebb (2017)Mammalian ALOX15 orthologs exhibit pronounced dual positional specificity with docosahexanoic acid BBA Lipids, 7, 666–675
56. S.W. Meckelmann, S. Hellhake, M. Steuck, M. Krohn, N. H. Schebb (2017)Comparison of derivatization/ionization techniques for liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of oxylipins Prostag Oth Lipid M,
55. L. Kutzner, A. I. Ostermann, T. Konrad, D. Riegel, J.P. Schuchardt, N. H. Schebb (2017)Lipid class specific quantitative analysis of n3-polyunsaturated fatty acid in food supplements Agric Food Chem, 65, 139-147.
54. S. Wang, I. Willenberg, M. Krohn, T. Hecker, S. Meckelmann, C. Li, Y. Pan, N.H. Schebb, P. Steinberg, M. T. Empl (2017)Growth-inhibiting activity of five resveratrol imine analogs on tumor cells in vitro PLOS-1,
53. M. Steuck, S. Hellhake, N. H. Schebb (2016)Food Polyphenol Apigenin Inhibits the Cytochrome P450 Monoxygenase Branch of the Arachidonic Acid Cascade . J Agric Food Chem, 64, 8973-8976.
52. J.P. Schuchardt, A.I. Ostermann, L.Stork, L. Kutzner, H. Kohrs, T. Greupner, A. Hahn, N. H. Schebb (2016)Effects of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on PUFA levels in red blood cells and plasma Prostag Leukotr Ess,
51. I. Willenberg, S. Rong, N. Shushakova, F. Gueler and N. H. Schebb (2015)Characterization of changes in plasma and tissue oxylipin levels in LPS and CLP induced murine sepsis Inflamm Res, DOI: 10.1007/s00011-015-0897-7.
50. K. Moeller,A.I. Ostermann , K. Rund , S. Thoms , C. Blume , F. Stahl , A. Hahn, N.H. Schebb, J.P. Schuchardt (2016)Influence of weight reduction on blood levels of C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and oxylipins in obese subjects Prostag Leukotr Ess, doi:10.1016/j.plefa.2015.12.001
49. I. Willenberg, A. K. Meschede, F. Güler M.S. Jang, N. Shushakova and N. H. Schebb (2015)Food polyphenols fail to cause a biologically relevant reduction of COX-2 activity PLOS-1, 10.1371/journal.pone.0139147
48. A. Haghikia, S. Jörg, A. Duscha, J. Berg, A. Manzel, A. Waschbisch, A. Hammer, D. Lee, C. May, N. Wilck, A.I. Ostermann, N.H.Schebb ,D.A. Akkad, D.A. Grohme, M. Kleinewietfeld, J. Thöne, S. Demir, D.N. Müller , R. Gold, R. A. Linker (2015)Dietary fatty acids directly impact CNS autoimmunity via the small intestine Immunity, 43 (4), 817-829
47. I. Willenberg, M. Michael, J. Wonik and N.H.Schebb (2015)) Investigation of the effects of soluble fibers on the absorption of resveratrol and of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PHIP) in the Caco-2 cellular model of intestinal absorption . Int J Food Sci Nutr, 66 (6), 677-679
46. A. I. Ostermann, J. Herbers, I.Willenberg, R. Chen, S. H. Hwang,R. Greite, C. Morisseau, F. Gueler, B. D. Hammock and N. H. Schebb (2015)Oral treatment of rodents with soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor 1-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-3-(1-propionylpiperidin-4-yl) urea (TPPU): Resulting drug levels and modulation of oxylipin pattern Prostag Oth Lipid M,
45. P. Nicken, A. v. Keutz, I. Willenberg, A. Ostermann, N.H. Schebb, O. Kershawb, S. Giovanninib, G. Breves and P. Steinberg (2015)Impact of dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis on the intestinal transport of the colon carcinogen PhIP Arch Toxicol. DOI 10.1007/s00204-015-1546-1.
44. I. Willenberg, A.I. Ostermann, O. Kershawb, S. Giovanninib, A. v. Keutz, P. Steinberg and N.H. Schebb (2015)Effect of acute and chronic DSS induced colitis on plasma eicosanoid and oxylipin levels in the rat Prostag Oth Lipid M, 120, 155-160.
43. I. Willenberg, A.K. Meschede and N.H. Schebb (2015)Determining COX-2 activity in three different test systems utilizing online-solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for parallel quantification of prostaglandin E2, D2 and thromboxane B2. J Chromatogr A, 1391, 40-48.
42. P. Nicken, A. v. Keutz, I. Willenberg, L. v. Elsner, G. Hamscher, L. Vanhaecke, B. Schröder, G. Breves, N.H. Schebb and P. Steinberg (2015)Intestinal absorption and cell transforming potential of PhIP-M1, a bacterial metabolite of the heterocyclic aromatic amine 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP). Toxicology Letters, 234, 92-98
41. I. Willenberg, A.I. Ostermann and N.H. Schebb (2015)Targeted Metabolomics of the Arachidonic Acid Cascade – Current State and Challenges of LC-MS Analysis of Oxylipins. Anal Bioanal Chem, 407 (5), 2675–2683
40. I. Willenberg, M. Michael, J. Wonik, L.C. Bartel, M.T. Empl and N.H.Schebb (2015)Investigation of the absorption of resveratrol oligomers in the Caco-2 cellular model of intestinal absorption. Food Chem, Food Chem 167, 245–250
39. A.I. Ostermann, I. Willenberg and N.H. Schebb (2015)Comparison of sample preparation methods for the quantitative analysis of eicosanoids and other oxylipins in plasma by means of LC-MS/MS. Anal Bioanal Chem, 407(5),1403-1414.
38. I Willenberg, L.v. Elsner, P. Steinberg and N.H. Schebb (2015)Development of an online-SPE-LC-MS method for the investigation of the intestinal absorption of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PHIP) and its bacterial metabolite PHIP-M1 in a Caco-2 Transwell system Food Chem, 166, 537–543
37. A.I. Ostermann, I. Willenberg, K.W. Weylandt and N.H. Schebb (2015)Development of an online-SPE-LC-MS/MS method for 26 hydroxylatedpolyunsaturated fatty acids as rapid targeted metabolomics approach for the LOX, CYP and autoxidation pathways of the arachidonic acid cascade. Chromatograpia, 78(5), 415-428
36. M.T. Empl, P.Kammeyer, R. Ulrich, J.F. Joseph, M.K. Parr, I. Willenberg, N.H. Schebb, W.Baumgärtner, E.Röhrdanz, C. Steffen and P. Steinberg (2015)The influence of L-carnitine on the formation of preneoplastic and atherosclerotic lesions in the colon and aorta of male F-344 rats. Arch Toxicol,89, 2079-2087.
35. R. Maul, B. Warth, N.H.Schebb, R.Krska, M.Koch and M. Sulyok (2015)In vitro glucuronidation kinetics of deoxynivalenol by human and animal microsomes and recombinant human UGT enzymes. Arch Toxicol, 89, 949-960.
34. A.I. Ostermann, M. Müller, I. Willenberg and N.H. Schebb (2014)Determining the fatty acid composition in plasma and tissues as fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography – A comparison of different derivatization and extraction procedures. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 91, 235-241
33. N. H. Schebb, A. Ostermann, J. Yang, B.D. Hammock, A. Hahn and J.P. Schuchardt (2014)Comparison of the effects of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on plasma levels of free and esterified oxylipins. Prostag Oth Lipid M, 113-115, 21-29
32. J.P. Schuchardt , I. Schneider, I. Willenberg, J. Yang, B.D. Hammock, A. Hahn and N. H. Schebb (2014)Increase of EPA-derived hydroxy, epoxy and dihydroxy fatty acid levels in human plasma after a single dose of long-chain omega-3 PUFAs. Prostag Oth Lipid M, 109-111, 23-31
31. N. H. Schebb, J. B. Muvvala, D. Morin, A. R. Buckpitt, B. D. Hammock and R. H. Rice (2014)Metabolic activation of the antibacterial agent, triclocarban, by cytochrome P450 1A1 yielding glutathione adducts. . Drug Metab Dispos, doi:10.1124/dmd.114.058206
30. J.P. Schuchardt, S. Schmidt, G. Kressel, H. Dong, I. Willenberg, B.D. Hammock, A. Hahn and N.H. Schebb (2014)Modulation of blood oxylipin levels by long-chain omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in hyper- and normolipidemic men. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 90, 27-37.
29. S. Stolte, S. Steudte, I. Willenberg N.H. Schebb and Piotr Stepnowski (2013)Ecotoxicity of artificial sweeteners and stevioside Environment International. 60, 123-127.
28. J.P. Schuchardt, S. Schmidt, G. Kressel, H. Dong, I. Willenberg, B.D. Hammock, A. Hahn and N.H. Schebb (2013)Comparison of free serum oxylipin concentrations in hyper- vs. normolipidemic men Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, , 89, 19-29.
27. D. Falck, N. H. Schebb, S. Prihatiningtyas, J. Zhang, F. Heus, C. Morisseau, J. Kool, B. D. Hammock and W.M. A. Niessen (2013)Development of On-line Liquid Chromatography-Biochemical Detection for Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitors in Mixtures Chromatographia, 76, 13-21.
26. R. Maul, B. Warth, J.S. Kant, N.H.Schebb, R.Krska, M.Koch and M. Sulyok (2012)Investigation of the hepatic glucuronidation pattern of the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in various species Chem. Res. Tox., 25, 2715-2717
25. G. Cherednichenko, R. Zhang, R.A. Bannister, V. Timofeyev, N. Li, E.B. Holland-Fritsch, W. Feng, G.C. Barrientos, N.H.Schebb, Bruce D. Hammock, K.G. Beam, N. Chiamvimonvat and I.N. Pessah (2012)Triclosan impairs excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ homeostasis in cardiac and skeletal muscle Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109 (35), 14158-63.
24. I. Willenberg, W. Brauer, M.T. Empl and N.H. Schebb (2012)Development of a rapid LC-UV Method for the Investigation of chemical and metabolic Stability of Resveratrol Oligomers. J Agric Food Chem 60 (32), 7844–7850
23. B. Inceoglu; K.M. Wagner; J. Yang, A. Bettaieb, N.H. Schebb, S.H. Hwang, C. Morisseau, F. Haj and B.D. Hammock (2012)Acute augmentation of epoxygenated fatty acid levels rapidly reduces pain-related behavior in a rat model of type I diabetes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109 (28) 11390-5
22. N.H. Schebb, B. Buchholz, B.D. Hammock and R.H. Rice (2012)Metabolism of the Antibacterial Triclocarban by Human Epidermal Keratinocytes to Yield Protein Adducts. J Biochem Mol Toxic, 26 (6), 230-234.
21. A. Eißing; D. Fischer, A. Baumann, N.H. Schebb, U. Karst, K. Rose, S. Klumpp, and J. Krieglstein (2012)Acetylcholine content and viability of cholinergic neurons are influenced by the activity of protein histidine phosphatase. BMC Neuroscience, accepted
20. C. Morisseau, N.H. Schebb, H. Dong, A. Ulu, P.A..Aronov and B.D. Hammock (2012)Role of soluble epoxide hydrolase phosphatase activity in the metabolism of lysophosphatidic acids. Biochem Bioph Res Co, doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.02.108
19. N.H. Schebb, K.C. Ahn, H. Dong, S.J. Gee and B.D. Hammock (2012)Whole blood is the sample matrix of choice for monitoring systemic triclocarban levels. Chemosphere, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.12.077
18. K.C. Ahn, T. Kasagami, H.J. Tsai, N.H. Schebb, T. Ogunyoku, S.J. Gee, T.M Young and B.D. Hammock (2012)An Immunoassay to Evaluate Human/Environmental Exposure to the Antimicrobial Triclocarban. Environ Sci Techno 46 (1), 374–381.
17. N.H.Schebb, B. Franze, R. Maul, A. Ranganathan and B.D. Hammock (2012)In vitro glucuronidation of the antibacterial triclocarban and its oxidative metabolites. Drug Metab Dispos 40 (1), 25-31.
16. N.H. Schebb, I. Flores, T. Kurobe, B. Franze, A. Ranganathan, B.D. Hammock and S. Teh (2011)Bioaccumulation, Metabolism and Excretion of Triclocarban in Larval Qurt Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquat Toxicol 105,448-454.
15. N.H. Schebb, M. Huby, S.H. Hwang, C. Morisseau, and B.D. Hammock (2011)Development of an Online-SPE-LC-MS Based Assay using Endogenous Substrate for the Investigation of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase (sEH). Anal Bioanal Chem 400, (5), 1359-66.
14. B. Inceoglu, K. Wagner, N.H. Schebb, C. Morisseau, S. L. Jinks, C. Hegedus, A. Ulu, R. Brosnan, A. L. Morrow and B.D. Hammock (2011)Epoxy-fatty acid produced antinociception is driven by pain and elevated cAMP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108, (12), 5093-7.
13. N.H. Schebb, B. Inceoglu, K.C. Ahn, C. Morisseau, S. Gee and B.D. Hammock (2011)Investigation of human exposure to triclocarban after showering, and preliminary evaluation of its biological effects on soluble epoxide hydrolyse. Environ Sci Techno, 45 (7), 3109-15.
12. N.H. Schebb, B. Inceoglu, K. Wagner, T. Rose and B.D Hammock (2011)Development of an ultra fast online-solid phase extraction (SPE) liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) based approach for the determination of drugs in pharmacokinetic studies. Anal Methods.3, 420-428.
11. A. Baumann, W. Lohmann, T. Rose, K.C. Ahn, B.D. Hammock U. Karst and N.H. Schebb (2010)Electrochemistry-mass spectrometry unveils the formation of reactive triclocarban (TCC) metabolites. Drug Metab Dispos 38, 2130-2138.
10. M. Siemerink, N.H. Schebb, A. Liesener, M. Vogel, H. Hayen and U.Karst (2010)Development of a fast LCMS-based Screening-Method for Angiotensin- Converting-Enzyme (ACE)-Inhibitors. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 24, 687- 697.
9. A. Braune, S.E. Kulling, R. Maul, N.H. Schebb and M. Blaut (2010)The red clover isoflavone irilone is largely resistant to degradation by the human gut microbiota. Mol Nutr Food Res 54, 1-10.
8. N.H. Schebb, D. Falck, E-M. Hein, U. Karst and H. Hayen (2009)A fast LC- ESI-MS Method for Monitoring Phospholipase A2 Activity. J Chromatogr A, 1216, 5249-5255.
7. N.H. Schebb, T. Vielhaber, A. Jousset and U. Karst (2009)Development of a Liquid Chromatography-Based Screening Methodology for Proteolytic Enzyme Activtiy. J Chromatogr A, 1216, 4407-4415.
6. N.H. Schebb, H. Faber, R. Maul, F. Heus, J. Kool, H. Irth and U. Karst (2009)Analysis of Glutathione Adducts of Patulin by Means of Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Biochemical Detection (BCD) and Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS). Anal Bioanal Chem., 394, 1361-1373.
5. N.H. Schebb, F. Heus, T. Saenger, H. Irth, U. Karst and J. Kool (2008)Development of a Countergradient Parking System for Gradient Liquid Chromatography with Online Biochemical Detection of Serine Protease Inhibitors. Anal Chem 80(17), 6764-72.
4. N.H. Schebb, D. Fischer, E-M. Hein, H. Hayen, J. Krieglstein, S. Klumpp and U. Karst (2008)Fast sample preparation and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry method for assaying cell lysate acetylcholine. J Chromatogr A, 1183, 100–107.
3. R. Maul, N.H. Schebb and S. E. Kulling (2008)Application of LC and GC yphenated with mass spectrometry as tool for characterization of unknown erivatives of isoflavonoids. Anal Bioanal.Chem 391, 239-250.
2. E. Pfeiffer, N.H. Schebb, J. Podlech and M. Metzler (2007)Novel oxidative in vitro metabolites of the mycotoxins alternariol and alternariol methyl ether. Mol Nutr Food Res 51, 307-316. 5.
1. Liesener, A-M. Perchuc, R. Schöni, N.H. Schebb, M. Wilmer and U. Karst (2007)Screening of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in snake venom by electrospray mass spectrometry. Pure Appl Chem 79(12), 2339-2349.
Further Publications:
S. Meckelmann und N.H. Schebb (2016)Trend 2015 in der Lebensmittelchemie –Targeted Metabolomics und Lipidomics. Nachrichten aus der Chemie. 64, 343-347
N.H. Schebb (2014)Metabolische Aktivierung von Triclocarban durch Cytochrom P450 1A1. Biospektrum, 20, 587.
V. Kruft und N.H. Schebb (2012)Der schnelle Weg zur massenspektrometrischen Analyse Labo 12, 15-17.
N.H. Schebb (2011)Antibakterielle Seife – persistent sauber? Nachrichten aus der Chemie 59, 864-867.
N.H. Schebb und H. Irth (2009)Direktes Aufspüren von biologisch aktiven Substanzen in Lebensmitteln - Flüssigkeitschromatographie mit biochemischer Detektion. Aktuelle Wochenschau der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft der GDCh.
N.H. Schebb, T. Vielhaber, A. Jousset and U. Karst (2009)Identification of proteases in crude mixtures by combining an ESI-MS /MS based assay and SEC with biochemical detection. Toshoh customer magazine.
N.H. Schebb, M.Vogel, J. Kool, H. Irth und U. Karst (2008)HPLC mit biochemischer Detektion (BCD) -Methode der Wahl zum Screening auf biologisch aktive Subtanzen. GIT Laborfachzeitschrift 4/2008, 365-368.
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